“Thuban” & “Gulftown”, AMD & Intel 6 Cores

Quad core has been the front of CPU’s for a while now so it seems only logical that the next step was on the horizon. According to Digitimes friends in Taiwan have said that the CPU manufacturing giants will be releasing them later this year. Intel’s Gulftown chipset should be with us first around the…

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AMD to cut more jobs in 2010 Q1

Industry sources are confident that AMD is getting ready to axe a lot of jobs in Q1 2010. AMD already cut a lot of jobs in European operations in late 2008 and 2009 and it looks like the same strategy will continue in 2010. One of the biggest areas AMD is suffering in is the…

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AMD Announces new CPUs including Tri-Core Athlon II

AMD has bumped up it’s line of desktop microprocessors with the introduction of a new set of Athlon II processors, including the first Athlon triple-cores. Triple-core processors, obviously, fill the gap between dual-core and quad-core versions. The new processors include Athlon II X2s in 2.7GHz and 2.8 GHz, four Athlon II X3s ranging from 2.2…

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ATI HD Radeon 5870 Launched

AMD has finally launched it’s highly anticipated its new 5800 range of GPUs which includes the current flagship ATI HD Radeon 5870. This new GPU packs 2.15 billion transistors into a tiny chip, offering outstanding performance, DirectX 11 support, and triple-monitor (or better) capability. If you compare the 5870 with AMDs previous flagship single GPU…

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AMD Hexa-Core Thuban CPU

No doubt an attempt to keep up with Intel and its Gulftown i9 CPU, AMD have just confirmed their Hexa-Core Thuban CPU which will be released next year. What most people were not expecting though was the fact that the new CPU will be backwards compatible with existing AM3 and AM2+ motherboards. An AMD spokesman…

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