ATI HD Radeon 5870 Launched

AMD has finally launched it’s highly anticipated its new 5800 range of GPUs which includes the current flagship ATI HD Radeon 5870. This new GPU packs 2.15 billion transistors into a tiny chip, offering outstanding performance, DirectX 11 support, and triple-monitor (or better) capability. If you compare the 5870 with AMDs previous flagship single GPU…

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ATI 5870 Eyefinity Card able to handle 6 monitors at a time.

AMD are launching their new range of ATI 5xxx cards at the end of this month with the first cards being the 5850 and 5870 with the 5870×2 to follow later on in the year. While there is a lot of secrecy surrounding these cards due to various NDAs imposed on people the few details…

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