“Thuban” & “Gulftown”, AMD & Intel 6 Cores

Quad core has been the front of ’s for a while now so it seems only logical that the next step was on the horizon. According to Digitimes friends in Taiwan have said that the CPU manufacturing giants will be releasing them later this year.

’s Gulftown chipset should be with us first around the end of March.  It will be based on the Nehalem chip and will carry the name of “-980x”. No price figures yet but rumours say it’s going to be in the 4 digit range.

always have their version to battle it. Their six core “Thuban” chips will be known as the Phenom II 1075T, 1055T and the 1035T. We’ll be looking at May for these to appear on shelves.

Now remember these are rumours!!
