ITC Reviews: Dell Latitude 12 E5250

While there are so many computers on the market right now where sleekness and slenderness have clearly been the primary focus, the Dell Latitude 12 E5250 is not one of them. Instead, what they’ve come up with in this instance is a reliable pack-mule of a business laptop that looks and feels every bit as dependable and capable as it is…which is very.

Of course, with a weight of just 4.1lbs and a pretty svelte frame in general, it’s hardly what you’d call a behemoth. Think of it more as a chunky take on an Ultrabook that doesn’t feel quite so flimsy as some of its rivals and you’re pretty much onto what the Latitude 12 E5250 is all about.

In terms of power and performance, buyers can choose between an entry-level Celeron dual-core model or the higher-end Intel Core i3 and variants. goes as high as 8GB for those looking for higher-spec options, along with two hard drive options including a 256GB and a 500GB SATA . One of the bonuses of its rather stocky frame is the space it has to accommodate a relatively large battery, which even in heavy-duty applications is good for about 5 hours of work. Used conservatively, you’ll no doubt get an extra two hours out of it at least.

It’s a machine that’s packed with state-of-the-art connectivity and it has to be said that the 12 E5250 storms through business applications like there’s no tomorrow. It handles .1 multi-tasking with effortless ease and will most likely only show even further improvement when makes its debut in late July.

As is the case with all that come loaded with Intel Integrated HD Graphics, the Latitude 12 E5250 struggles to cope with any games that are even close to new-generation, but at the same time this isn’t a gaming machine and is never bought for such purposes. What the Latitude 12 E5250 is built for however is outstanding and unstoppable performance as an impressive and affordable business machine – one that’s built to serve and guaranteed to last.

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