The Rise of Solid State Drive Computers

Solid State Drive () has been around for quite some time. It’s existence and substantial advantages over the traditional Hard Disk Drive (), however, had always been overshadowed by its rather astronomical price – until probably the last few months where it started to ship in volume with Ultrabooks and Apple’s MacBook range.

Over the last 1 – 2 years, the industry (and PC in general) is growing more towards the ultra-thin, ultra-portable, yet at the same time also a powerful machine. In order to achieve this, PC manufacturers have no other choice than to abandon the spinning hard disk in favour of the faster, thinner, lighter SSDs. This shift in trend has significantly increases the demand for SSDs and helped bring its price down to a more affordable level.

But why SSD has such an important role in the modern PC era? This infographic below shows you an overview about SSD technology and how it stacks against the traditional HDD. If you’d like to check out some of our SSD-equipped , simply head over to!
