Student Laptops – What to Look For, What Matters Most

Student Laptops - what to look for

Buying a laptop these days can be something of a minefield – especially if you’re not exactly rolling in cash. There’s no pain in the world quite like that of blowing hundreds of pounds on a new computer only to realise a few weeks later that you made a big…BIG mistake. The seller won’t take…

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Buy Microsoft Office 2013 from ITC Sales

Microsoft Office 2013

Here at ITC Sales we’re committed to giving our customers the best deals out there, that’s why we’re offering selected Microsoft Office 2013 packages at our cheapest prices yet. Whether you’re a business owner, self-employed or a student we can help keep your computer up-to-date and a step ahead of everyone else’s with our fantastically…

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Will Tablet PCs Ever Fully Replace Laptops?

Laptop v desktop

One of the fiercest and longest-standing debates of all on the subject of technology over the past few years has been that of tablet PCs versus laptops. Most have their own opinions on the subject and some of these are very heated opinions to say the least, but is it really possible that tablets will…

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Chromebook Vs Laptop – What’s the Better Buy?

Chrome Spec

Anyone heading out to buy a laptop or notebook computer this year is guaranteed to come across a new addition to the market – the Chromebook. Chances are you’ve heard of them by now and you might also have seen them in one or two stores, but in terms of what they are and what…

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