The Printer That You’re Always Looking For

Dell Printer ITC Sales

How often do you find yourself standing in front of a printer, waiting for it to finish printing out your documents? How often do you get disappointed by the poor colour quality of you printed documents? – These small little things might drive you crazy, especially if it happens in your office. If you just…

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In 2016, We Will Pass 1 Zettabyte of Annual Data Usage

Annual Data Usage

If you ever use a modern computer device, you must be familiar with the term ‘Gigabyte’, ‘Terabyte’, and perhaps even ‘Exabyte’. In less than 3 years, we’re all probably going to be hearing a new term called ‘Zettabyte’ a lot. At least on the Internet. This is because according to a research conducted by Cisco,…

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The History and The Future of Cloud Computing

cloud computing ITC Sales

Cloud Computing. You’d probably heard this term a lot of times before, or perhaps even using the service but just didn’t realise it. If you are new to the term, cloud computing is a way to use computer by using a shared remote resources hosted in the internet. The term ‘cloud’, as you might know,…

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Refurbished Dell Optiplex GX520 SFF

Refurbished Dell Optiplex

Small Thing That Does BIG Things! We’ve got a few refurbished Dell Optiplex GX520 SFF available to grab from just £39.95! This classic Dell PC comes pre-loaded with a fully licensed Windows XP Pro and sports a powerful 2.8GHz Intel Pentium 4 with 512 MB of RAM – perfect for small to medium tasks computing…

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